Class Challenge nears $45,000

Donations for the class challenge took a nice jump over the last two weeks.

The class of ’65 sits comfortably in the lead with the class of ’59 holding steady in second place. These two classes have earned  recognition on the ‘Gold’ recognition board for raising over $5,000.

The classes of ’67, ’69 and ’64 have all earned recognition on the ‘Purple’ board for surpassing $2,500.   The class of ’62 needs a $100 bump to join the Purple group.

Fourteen classes have broken the $1,000 mark and hopefully will pursue the Purple or Gold recognition levels.  Seven out of thirty three classes have not had a donation credited to them.  Maybe they will respond like the class of 1958, which went from zero to $1,000 over the last two weeks.  You can get one of these classes on the board by donating an amount equal to the year you graduated – $47 for the class of ’47, $48 for ’48 and so on.  Of course, you can always donate more and try to help your class crack the top 10.  Here’s a list of those classes we would like to see get on the board – ’47, ’48, ’49, ’52, ’61, ’71 and ’79.

Donating is as easy as clicking on the donate button at the top of the right column.  You can pay via PayPal or simply use your credit card.  You can also donate by check.  Please visit our How to Donate  page for more information, including the various levels of recognition.

More details about the Class Challenge can be found here.


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