Pirates name field after Kent Wigle – Social and Auction raises $33,000

It was an emotional weekend for Kent ‘Coach’ Wigle October 13 and 14 as friends, family and former players honored ‘Coach’ both on the field and at a Saturday night social and auction.

Friday night, former Wigle players and friends from the football coaching fraternity met with Wigle in Heritage Hall starting at 5 o’clock.  Later, during halftime of the Marshfield versus Brookings-Harbor game, former players of Wigle, including some from South Umpqua were introduced to a packed north grandstands.   Introductions also included the many coaches who coached with Wigle during his long tenure at the Pirate helm.  The halftime ceremony concluded with the ‘reveal’ of the words ‘Kent Wigle Field’ on a large sign alongside ‘Pete Susick Stadium’ and ‘Prefontaine Track’.

Saturday night festivities included a social and auction at The Mill Casino.  The setting gave former players plenty of time to reach out to Kent and his wife Susan during the social hour.  Athletic Director, emcee and auctioneer Greg Mulkey introduced the players in a more intimate atmosphere than the night before and several stories were shared with the audience by former players.  Mulkey tried valiantly to quickly move on to the auction. However, Mulkey’s efforts were to no avail, as once ‘Coach’ got the mike in his hands, everyone knew there were some good stories coming.  Sure enough, the stories got the crowd pumped up.  $33,000 later the auction came to a close.

With the auction being a success, phase 2 of our Raise the Roof project is on track.  Phase 2 is the roof installation which is scheduled for the summer of 2018.  The roof installation budget is $125,000 plus in kind donations.  We currently have $116,000 in cash.  So we are almost 93% of the way to our cash goal for phase 2.

Thanks for your support!

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