We continue to thank all of our supporters who have given money, time and material. The installation of glulam beans is almost complete. It could not have been done without you.
The next step will be the installation of the plywood sheets that will make up the roof. The plywood was painted by volunteer Pirates – alums and current students.
Were you wondering what glulam beams are? Well, here you go. Three beams were set this Thursday. Once all are in place, the plywood will be layered on top of the glulam beams.
This is a very exciting part of the Raise the Roof project. Looks like the good weather will hold through next Friday, so there should be huge progress.
PS. Our Pirates travel to #1 ranked Banks next Friday for a first round state playoff game. Portland Alumni might want to sail on over to Banks.
You can see three glulam beams to the left and on top of the steel beams.
The steel beams were installed on Wednesday, October 30th. The glulam beams are next. The weather forecast is for sun through next Wednesday, highs in the low 60’s – dropping to the low 40’s at night. So it looks like smooth sailing ahead.
Thanks to every one who has contributed time, material, and money to complete Phase 2. We couldn’t have done it without you.
Pirate Football has a first round game on Friday, November 8. Opponent TBD. Marshfield Volleyball has a first round game at Sweet Home on Saturday, November 2. Marshfield Boys Soccer has a Play-in match on Saturday the 2nd at Baker.
Concrete has been poured into the cinder block walls. The ‘cutouts’ in the cinder block walls (see pictures below) are the doors to the viewing rooms.
As soon as the concrete cures and is tested, the glulam and steel beams will be moved into position to install. The general contractor, Renco General Contractors out of Roseburg, are on site and ready to proceed.
Here’s a shout out to Butch Shields for having his crew sand and powder coat the steel beams. And thanks again to all of you who have contributed money, material, time and energy into our project.
The cutouts in the back wall will become doors for the viewing rooms.
Take at look at the progress made last week on the Raise the Roof project. As promised, the glulam beams and steel beams arrived. Also, Jesse Ainsworth’s class finished applying all coats to the glulam beams.
Besides thanking the Construction class, we’d also like to give a shout out to Jeff at Industrial Steel for hauling the lumber and plywood to the stadium. And make sure to give a huge thank you to Roseburg Lumber for donating the plywood.
The Glulam beams arrive.Construction Class gets the job done. Thank goodness for sunshine.Steel beams arrive.Look at that smooth pour.
As you can see from the photos, the masonry work is almost complete. The 60 foot Glulam beams are due to arrive early next week, followed quickly by the steel beams on Thursday. Jesse Ainsworth’s construction class will be applying 2 coats of sealer and a finish coat prior to installing the glulam beams.
Next week should also see the arrival of the steel beams. A big thank you to Butch Shields (’65) for overseeing the steel beam portion of this project.
1969 grad Chal Holte responded to our last request for painting help by driving down from Eugene. Chal was joined by some current Key Club members – including two frosh. Go Frosh! The Key Club members enjoyed their Friday painting so much, they signed up to finish the job on Saturday.
As we get closer to the actual raising of the roof, we’d like to thank Jason Smith of Southport Lumber for donating the plywood for the roof and lumber for the viewing rooms. More kudos go out to Bryan Knutson of Knutson Towboat for making magic happen with the giant crane that will soon be setting the beams and installing the plywood.
Thanks for all of your support. Without your donations of time, material and cash we could not have completed this project.
We are pleased to announce that masonry work is being done this week and will be completed on time. Lumber will arrive tomorrow, September 26. We need some volunteer Pirates and Pirate friends to help paint 2 x 6’s this weekend. Paint and rollers will be provided.
Friday, Sept 27 9 am – 4 pm Saturday, Sept 28 9 am – 4 pm Sunday, Sept 29 9 am – until finished Susick Stadium or Harding if inclement weather Wear clothing that can stand a little paint.
The steel should be arriving next week, followed quickly by the gluelam beams.
Thanks for all of your donations of money, material, labor and volunteer hours.
The Raise the Roof Committee had a meeting with Renco the roof company this week. Here’s our tentative timeline for Raising the Roof.
The masonry subcontractor will come in to do the cement block work which will take about a week to two (by mid September).
During the next three to four weeks, the crane, steel, lumber and glu lam beams will be delivered to the stadium and the beams will be put in place.
The final portion of the installation will be the roof, which should take two weeks. Thanks to all of our volunteers who primed and painted the 200 sheets of plywood!
That makes the total time frame 6 to 8 weeks.
We will need some more painting help when the lumber and glu lam beams arrive. We’ll let you know so you can be a proud Pirate when you look at the new roof and say “That’s my artwork!”
PS. The season opener is against the Bulldogs on September 6, 7PM. At North Bend.
Volunteer Pirates are painting plywood with primer and the finishing coat of paint this week. If you live near the stadium please put on your paint proof clothes and join us at Susick Stadium to finish 200 sheets of plywood this Saturday and Sunday Aug 3 and 4. Join us any time between 10 am and 2 pm, even if it’s just for an hour or two – we stop at 4pm. Many hands make light work!!!!
A team of Pirates from the 60’s hoisted the roller brushes today and completed the primer base for over 120 sheets. We are expecting some more footballers and tracksters Saturday, but a couple of Friday’s crew had to head off for the weekend to fend off some ferocious Bulldogs.
We hope to Raise the Roof before our first home game, and to do so we need your help with the roller brushes. Here’s a look at what the stadium looks like as of today – and before the roof goes up.
Our goal is for a new roof to be in place for the home opener.Pre’s legacy lives on. You can still feel Pre’s and Walt McClure’s intensity in our fantastic facility.If you ever get back to MHS for a sporting event at Susick stadium you will be greeted by the booster concessions stands. Aptly names after Buck Williams, a 50 plus year member of the booster club and WWII vet.