Project Description

The Raise the Roof project will be completed to the same high standards of the recently opened Heritage Hall and will be designed by the same architect who is helping develop  another project at Pete Susick Stadium called Tribute Hall.  Tribute Hall will honor our MHS and school district military veterans.

Phase 1 of the Raise the Roof project is to complete the Quarter Deck Wall. This includes the side walls on the upper section, followed by the installation of the two stairways to allow people to sit up top. Then the railing will get installed for the upper section as well. This is Phase 1 with an anticipated completion date by the opening home game for Football. Update: Phase 1 was completed in time for the 2017 Pirate home opener.

Phase 2 will be the installation of the roof system set for Summer of 2018, this will cover the upper section, promenade area, and a few rows in the bottom section. The roof over a portion of the south grandstands will cover about 300 fans and a promenade area.

Phase 3 includes, restrooms, walkway to the promenade section, electrical work, and press box areas.

We anticipate a total cost of 400,000 dollars for these improvements.  The 400,000 will be made up of cash, labor donations, and material donations. 

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